We are told hurricane forecasters are predicting a very active season. In fact, they say it will be more active than any season between 1950 and 2000. Forecasters predict 15 named storms, four of them intense.
"This is the first year we're using our new statistical model. We feel the model will likely help to increase the skill of our forecasting this year and in future seasons."
There's a 69% chance of at least one major hurricane hitting the U.S. this season, and a 44% chance of one hitting the east coast of Florida.
"In the Atlantic Basin, conditions seem quite a bit more favorable than they did in the summer for an active season."
This is the beauty of the Tampa Area - most storms - once they reach the gulf head north and west. Not that we've never had one (but I'm knocking on my wood desk now) its been a long time. The conditions have to be ideal for one to make landfall in our area.